Monday, March 15, 2010

Example 7.27: probability question reconsidered

In Example 7.26, we considered a problem, from the xkcd blog:

Suppose I choose two (different) real numbers, by any process I choose. Then I select one at random (p= .5) to show Nick. Nick must guess whether the other is smaller or larger. Being right 50% of the time is easy. Can he do better?

Randall Munroe offers a solution which we tested in the previous example. However, his logic may not be obvious to all readers. Instead, Martin Kulldorff, author of the SaTScan software for cluster detection, offers the following intuition. Suppose Nick chooses a number k. If the first number is bigger than k, he'll guess that the hidden number is smaller, and vice versa. Let's condition to see what will happen. If both numbers are bigger than k, Nick will be right 50% of the time. If both are smaller than k, he'll also be right 50% of the time. But whenever the two numbers straddle k, he'll be right 100% of the time. So in the margin, he'll be right more than 50% of the time (because the two numbers are not identical). This strategy will sometimes work if I don't know Nick is using it and he makes a lucky choice of k. But even if I know Nick's strategy, he will still gain a rate over 50% by simply choosing k at random.

Munroe's strategy is the same as that outlined here, if we choose

k = log(u/(1-u))

where u is a Uniform(0,1) random variate, though this has a similar problem to Munroe's approach, in practice-- k rarely (only .000000002 of the time) exceeds about 20 in absolute value. A more effective strategy would be to choose k from a distribution with values more uniform across the reals. In the following code we use a Cauchy distribution (see section 1.10.1) spreading it out even further by multiplying each pseudo-random number by 1000.


The code is similar to that shown in the previous example, but does not require computing the function of the observed value.

data test2;
do i = 1 to 100000;
real1 = uniform(0) * 1000 + 1000;
real2 = uniform(0) * 1000 + 1000;
if uniform(0) gt .5 then do;
env1 = real1;
env2 = real2;
else do;
env1 = real2;
env2 = real1;
if (env1 gt (rand("CAUCHY") * 1000)) then guess = "l";
else guess = "h";
correct = (((env1 < env2) and (guess eq "h")) or
((env1 > env2) and (guess eq "l"))) ;

proc freq data = test2;
tables correct / binomial (level='1');

The FREQ Procedure

Cumulative Cumulative
correct Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
0 48315 48.32 48315 48.32
1 51685 51.69 100000 100.00

Proportion 0.5169
ASE 0.0016
95% Lower Conf Limit 0.5138
95% Upper Conf Limit 0.5199

Exact Conf Limits
95% Lower Conf Limit 0.5137
95% Upper Conf Limit 0.5200

ASE under H0 0.0016
Z 10.6569
One-sided Pr > Z <.0001
Two-sided Pr > |Z| <.0001

Sample Size = 100000


mk1 = function(n) {
real1 = runif(n) * 1000 + 1000
real2 = runif(n) * 1000 + 1000
pickenv = (runif(n) < .5)
env1 = ifelse(pickenv,real1,real2)
env2 = ifelse(!pickenv,real1,real2)
k = rcauchy(n) * 1000
guess = ifelse(env1 > k,"lower","higher")
correct = ((env1 < env2) & (guess == "higher")) | ((env1 > env2) &
(guess == "lower"))

> binom.test(sum(mk1(100000)),100000)

Exact binomial test

data: sum(mk1(1e+05)) and 1e+05
number of successes = 51764, number of trials = 1e+05, p-value <
alternative hypothesis: true probability of success is not equal to 0.5
95 percent confidence interval:
0.5145375 0.5207415
sample estimates:
probability of success

This approach is so much better than the other that we can detect the effect in only 100,000 trials!

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